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Kunshan Duyang CNC introduction: What are the main mechanical failures of common CNC machine tools?

Kunshan Duyang CNC introduction: What are the main mechanical failures of common CNC machine tools?

 Because the CNC machine tool uses computer control technology, the mechanical structure is greatly simplified compared with the ordinary machine tool, and the chance of mechanical system failure is greatly reduced, and the common mechanical failure mainly has the following categories:

 1. Feed transmission chain failure. Because the guide rail of CNC machine tools generally uses rolling friction pairs, the feed transmission chain failure is mainly caused by the decline in motion quality, such as mechanical parts do not move to the specified position, operation disruption, positioning accuracy decline, reverse clearance increase, mechanical crawling, bearing noise increase (generally after a crash), etc., this part of the fault can be adjusted by adjusting the preload of each motion pair. The solution is to adjust the loosening link, improve the motion accuracy and adjust the compensation link. 

 2. Spindle component failure. Due to the use of adjustable speed motor, CNC machine tool spindle box structure is relatively simple, easy to fail is the tool handle automatic tightening device, automatic speed regulating device. 

 3, automatic tool change device (atc) failure. More than 50% of the faults of machining center machine tools with automatic tool changing device are related to automatic tool changing device, mainly in the following aspects: tool library motion fault, positioning error is too large, the manipulator clamping tool handle is unstable, and the manipulator motion error is large. When the fault is serious, the tool change action is stuck and the machine tool is forced to stop working.

 4, used to detect the travel switch clamping failure of the moving position of each axis. In order to ensure the reliability of automatic work on CNC machine tools, a large number of stroke switches are used to detect the moving position. After long-term operation of the machine tool, the motion characteristics of the moving parts have changed, and the reliability of the stroke switch pressing device and the change of the quality characteristics of the stroke switch itself have a great impact on the fault generation and troubleshooting of the whole machine. 

 5. Failure of supporting accessories. 

The reliability of the cooling device, chip removal device, guide rail shield, coolant shield, spindle cooling constant temperature tank, hydraulic tank, etc. on the CNC machine tool is not high, which will also cause failure and affect the normal operation.  
