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CNC machining center common fault diagnosis and maintenance

At this stage, the manufacturing industry is developing rapidly, and CNC machining centers play an important role in it, and are constantly improved and perfected, and are widely used. CNC machining center has significant characteristics, but it is inevitable that there will be a variety of failures, Kunshan Duyang CNC on the common faults of CNC machining center and how to maintenance. First, common fault types of CNC machining centers 1. The system is faulty System failure is a more common type of failure, such as leakage in the cooling system, after long-term use causes great pressure on the cooling system, in a large load environment, it is easy to leak, resulting in heat in the operation of the CNC machining center, causing the system to react slowly and slowly, and will also have a great impact on the processing accuracy. If serious, it will also lead to alarm and automatic shutdown of the machining center; At the same time, the machining center is not coaxial to move, there may be beyond the specified scope of the situation, in this case, there will be an over-range alarm. 2. A random fault occurs Random faults do not often occur in the operation of CNC machining centers, and have a certain degree of chance. For this type of fault, the CNC machining center can not be analyzed and judged in advance in operation, and can only make some preventive measures. Random failure is generally related to the setting of some important parameters, and the working environment and the actual operation process and skills of the operator. For example, in the operation of docking plug-ins and connecting components, due to negligence, there is no lock, resulting in changes in the position performance of electrical contacts and various switch jacks, and failure to meet the requirements of CNC machining centers. 3. Alarm display failure For CNC machining centers, it is generally composed of a variety of hardware and software. If its software and hardware failure, will appear alarm display. Often its hardware and software equipment are set up automatic alarm device, in its hardware and software equipment abnormal failure, or there is beyond the specified value, it will touch the hardware and software device related alarm equipment, and then the warning light shining or flashing. If there are errors in the processing program of the system or the parameter setting of the system is lost and the computer calculation is wrong, the automatic alarm device will be triggered to prompt the fault, thus attracting the attention of the relevant personnel. If there is such a fault type, the relevant personnel can handle the fault according to the corresponding alarm prompt. However, there is also a fault that is often difficult to diagnose, that is, when the hardware and software equipment of the system fails, there is no clear display of the indicator light, and if you want to make a quick judgment of such a fault, you often need to implement a rapid delineation of the fault area, and combine the status of the system before and after the fault to determine the fault, so as to find the fault location. Second, CNC machining center common fault diagnosis and maintenance 1. The tool library is faulty The more common faults of the tool store include the tool store can not be rotated or rotated inaccurately, the tool sleeve can not clamp the tool and the tool sleeve is not in place. The tool store can not rotate or rotate inaccurately may be due to the coupling between the motor shaft and the worm shaft is loose, the frequency converter is faulty, the mechanical connection is too tight, the power grid voltage is too low and the error of the transmission mechanism, etc., which needs to be comprehensively inspected and repaired; The tool sleeve can not clamp the tool may be because the tool sleeve adjustment screw is loose, the spring is too loose resulting in insufficient clamping force, which needs to check the performance, and take fixing and repair to ensure that the screw and spring are firm; The tool sleeve may not be in place because the device adjustment is improper, the processing error is too large, which leads to the inaccurate fork position, or the limit switch is incorrectly installed and the feedback signal is wrong. 2. Inaccurate spindle positioning affects automatic tool change After the spindle is located, it is found that its position has a certain deviation, the spindle drive system is checked, it does not have any alarm, and the structure of the mechanical part is relatively simple, the machine tool positioning through the encoder implementation, the positioning action has a good accuracy, so the fault phenomenon due to the electrical part of the problem caused by the possibility is very small. Then consider the mechanical department that caused the failure, which may be caused by the encoder connection problem, and then check the connection part of the encoder, and find out that the connection sleeve screw on the encoder is loose, resulting in a large gap in the area where the encoder and the spindle are connected, and the screw needs to be well fixed according to the requirements. 3. There is no display fault in CNC machining center If the CNC machining center is in use and debugging, and the fault area is not displayed, the system can continue to run, but its display is faulty, and after restarting the operation, the fault is gone. In the face of this failure of CNC machine tools, the relevant maintenance personnel need to implement the judgment through experience, check the performance of the contact of various components, to determine whether the fault is caused by the existence of poor contact, and also need to check the display board. You can check each fault in manual mode to diagnose the fault. 4. Machining center movement imbalance Machining center movement imbalance is mainly due to the existence of vibration and crawling coordinate axes, this situation is often closely related to a variety of reasons, may be due to the mechanical transmission system problems, may also be due to the servo feed system adjustment and setting improper situation. In the diagnosis of this fault, it is necessary to first set the operation mode of the machine tool to the manual way, through the hand pulse generator to control the feed of the Y axis, it is found that there is vibration in the Y axis, and the speed unit of the Y axis alarm light is on after a long time of movement, which shows that the Y-axis servo drive has an alarm of overcurrent, then the cause of the fault may be analyzed Large, the mechanical transmission system is poor, the gain of the position ring is too high and the servo motor is faulty. In the troubleshooting, you can use the exchange method to confirm the cause of the fault.
