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  • 3C Electronics field

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  •      On the high-speed drilling and tapping center model, it is used for the processing of metal components such as 3C electronics, mobile phones and 5G filters. The processing technology of 3C industry pursues high speed and high precision. The 3C industry will develop from traditional drilling and milling processing to high-feed processing, high-life processing and high-precision processing, such as high-speed and high-precision cutting, molding contour surface processing, graphite mold design and manufacturing. At the same time, the cutting process will gradually transition from 2D and 2.5D to 3D. With the rapid development of demand for smart phones, tablets, laptops and smart wearable devices in recent years, there is an increasing demand for precision machining of metal components related to 3C products and non-metal components such as glass and ceramics. The upgrade of 5G technology, superposition consumer electronics structure complexity, precision continues to improve, CNC equipment processing accuracy from micron iteration to nano, rough machining and finishing accuracy further improved, domestic high-end machine tool products processing accuracy, processing speed, processing efficiency and stability requirements are also getting higher and higher.  
