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How to automate small and medium-sized machining factories

Now we often hear about automation, lament that workers are difficult to recruit, want to engage in automation, engage in unmanned factories, black light factories.

Is it really okay for the machining industry? To be sure, it is feasible to automate machining. But how? It depends on the factory. Some factories have strong capital, stable orders and long-term batch orders. It can be used in automated production lines. In this way, production efficiency and quality can be guaranteed! But for some small processing plants, the capital is very weak. And the number of orders is small, an order on dozens of, one hundred or one thousand products, automation in the end need not engage? How to do it?

Yes, but many people get it wrong when it comes to automation. That automation is to spend money on high automation equipment, into robots, into the overall automation of the assembly line, into the development of automation software. Recruitment of professional automation talent. Invest a huge amount of money to build unmanned workshops. For the traditional machining industry, blindly following the trend and blindly applying technology is just a show.

For intelligent manufacturing, it is very important to return to the origin of manufacturing, there is a low-cost automation, it does not require high equipment investment, it focuses on the combination of man and machine, give full play to the wisdom and creativity of employees, stimulate all staff to improve the process, engage in some small tooling small fixtures, more research on some interchangeable fixtures, more research on some practical small institutions. It can be applied to the production mode of multi-variety and small batch. Perhaps a small change and proposal can save a lot of costs for the factory. And it can lead to greater efficiency. This kind of human-machine automation that gives full play to the creativity of employees is especially suitable for many small and medium-sized factories to automate. Instead of blindly following the trend to spend a lot of money to create an automated production line that is not suitable for their own.

The above is my machining industry to engage in some small views of automation, the wrong place also please everyone a lot of advice.
