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Influence of spindle temperature rise on machining accuracy of drilling and tapping machine and countermeasures

The drilling machine can not only carry out high-speed drilling, tapping and milling processing, but also carry out continuous smooth curve processing, which has the characteristics of high speed, high precision and high efficiency. At present, the spindle speed of the drilling machine at home and abroad is generally high, and the high-speed rotating movement of the spindle spindle core makes the temperature rise of the spindle too high, which has been the persistent disease of the drilling and tapping mechanism manufacturers. Only by controlling the temperature rise of the spindle of the drilling machine, can the dimensional accuracy and appearance accuracy of the machine be guaranteed. The following Kunshan Duyang CNC to share with you the drilling machine spindle temperature impact on processing accuracy and measures. First, the impact of spindle warming 1. Machining accuracy Drilling machine is a set of speed and precision in one of the high-precision processing equipment, the spindle is the drilling machine to provide the main processing power of the core components. The research shows that the thermal error of the spindle accounts for 70% of the total error of the machine tool. Among them, the thermal elongation of the main shaft is particularly prominent, and the error is along the axis of the main shaft, and the drilling machine is in the Z direction, which is also the processing error sensitive direction. The accuracy of the spindle has a very important influence on the accuracy of the whole machine tool. In the process of drilling and tapping machine, the thermal elongation of the spindle affects the change of its Z value. With the increase of processing time, the larger the thermal elongation value is, the more it affects the machining accuracy of the machined parts. 2. Service life of main shaft bearing The research shows that the service life of bearings decreases with the increase of temperature, and the higher the temperature, the greater the gradient of reduction. 3. Service life of knife library There are existing drilling and tapping machines in the market, and the tool library has the characteristics of fast tool change and rapid response, but the tool holder is relatively weak compared with the manipulator tool library. At present, the maximum speed of the drilling machine is 24000 rpm, and the pulling force of 3000N is required in high-speed operation. According to the theory of molecular motion, molecules never stop in irregular movement, and the higher the temperature, the more intense the molecular thermal movement, it is easier to make the tool handle and the spindle cone hole adhesion, in the process of continuous "high-speed rotation - adhesion - tool change - high-speed rotation - adhesion - tool change", the knife clip under the action of large alternating stress, the root of the knife clip is easy to cause fatigue damage. Thus affect the service life of the knife library. Second, measures to reduce the temperature of the main shaft 1. Select appropriate processing parameters Cutting parameters are the main source of axial and radial forces affecting the spindle. In the process of machining, it is necessary to choose a reasonable cutting parameters to make full use of the cutting performance of the tool and the performance of the machine tool. Different processing properties, the development of different cutting parameters for cutting processing, is to determine a reasonable cutting depth ap, feed rate f and cutting speed vc on the basis of a good selection of tools and processing materials. Only by choosing a reasonable cutting amount can the performance of the machine be brought to the extreme, and at the same time ensure that the spindle temperature is not raised too high due to the excessive force of the spindle bearing, thus affecting the machining accuracy of the machine. 2. Optimize the installation of spindle bearings The use of reasonable installation and debugging methods, suitable installation tools, and a dust-free workshop environment are the necessary conditions for bearings to obtain higher speed, lower temperature and higher precision. It is very important to optimize the installation mode of spindle bearings to improve the service life of the spindle. Assuming that the spindle is made of various same materials, the optimized installation mode can ensure the uniformity of the radial and axial forces of the spindle bearings, such as hot loading, uniform pressure installation and other installation methods. 3. Install spindle oil cooler The spindle is an important part of the drilling and tapping machine, because the drilling and tapping machine spindle speed is very high, the conventional drilling and tapping machine spindle rotation number is 20000 rpm, the operation generates a lot of heat, causing the spindle temperature rise, thus affecting the normal operation of the spindle. Under the action of the oil pump, the oil cooler forces the cooling oil to flow between the outer spindle ring and the headstock. After the oil cooler is installed, the spindle transfers heat to the circulating cooling oil, and then the cooling oil enters the oil cooler and is cooled under the action of the compression pump, so as to be recycled. 4. The third point above is for the use of steel bearing spindle need to install spindle oil cooler. At present, the spindle of Duyang CNC drilling and tapping machine chooses ceramic bearings. Ceramic bearings are less affected by thermal expansion and contraction than steel bearings, so when the shaft clearance is fixed, the shaft can be allowed to work in an environment where the temperature difference is more drastic. And the smooth surface of the ceramic can reduce friction, so that the temperature due to friction heating less than steel. It can reduce the temperature of the spindle due to friction. Therefore, Duyang CNC drilling and tapping machine does not need to install a spindle oil cooler. The operation of the oil cooler itself has vibration, and such vibration may affect the accuracy of the equipment, resulting in knife patterns and other phenomena. There are many advantages of using ceramic bearings, it is not clear today, the next time a special drilling machine spindle using ceramic bearings advantages analysis.  
